«The Blackwell Companion to Social Work, eTextbook» Martin Davies

«the blackwell companion to social work, etextbook» martin davies 6065c16561af2.jpeg
Другие книги автора: Martin Davies
Категория: Философские науки. Социология
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О книге «The Blackwell Companion to Social Work, eTextbook»

A comprehensive introduction to the field, with contributions from leading experts that illuminate the focus and purpose of social work. New edition of THE leading social work textbook for undergraduates Provides comprehensive coverage of all subject areas relevant to a career in social work Covers the reasons for social work, the application of knowledge to practice, the practice context, and its psychosocial framework Gives detailed coverage of the perspectives of service users, carers and the Disabled People’s Movement The book brings together material on children and families side-by-side with detailed accounts of work with adult service users Each chapter lists five key points, three questions for discussion, and three recommendations for further reading

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