«Disaster Response and Recovery. Strategies and Tactics for Resilience» David McEntire A.

«disaster response and recovery. strategies and tactics for resilience» david mcentire a. 6065bdcc60e50.jpeg
Другие книги автора: David McEntire A.
Категория: Философские науки. Социология
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О книге «Disaster Response and Recovery. Strategies and Tactics for Resilience»

Provides an overview of the various types of disasters that may occur, the myriad of actors that are involved in emergency management, and the diverse theoretical frameworks from which post-disaster activities may be approached. • Includes updated chapters keeping the material fresh and accessible while incorporating recent changes in policy and new research • Highlights lessons learned from such incidents and catastrophes as: Hurricane Katrina, Earthquake in Haiti, Parking lot collapse in Miami, West Texas industrial explosion, Train wreck in Spain, Aurora movie shooting, Times Square bombing, etc. • Examines typical challenges to be expected during response efforts along with tools and techniques to enhance the ability to protect lives, reduce property damage and minimize disruption • Includes an instructor package which contains: Sample Syllabus, Teaching Suggestions, Test bank, and PowerPoints

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