«Composing Research, Communicating Results. Writing the Communication Research Paper»

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Категория: Философские науки. Социология
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О книге «Composing Research, Communicating Results. Writing the Communication Research Paper»

Composing Research, Communicating Results: Writing the Communication Research Paper provides communication students with the knowledge and necessary tools to compose a variety of course-required papers that are scholarly, accessible, and well-written. The first work of its kind to take students from brainstorming to outlining to sentence and paragraph construction to paper presentation, drawing on student-written examples Easy-to-understand explanations of passive voice, point of view, commonly accepted citation styles, and more, with current and relatable student-written examples Covers common writing assignments in communication and related courses, including the literature review, application paper, and empirical research paper Four pedagogical features enhance comprehension and support learning: “Write Away” quick exercises, integratable “Building Blocks” assignments, “Engaging Ethics” tips, and “Student Spotlight” examples

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