«Baidu SEO. Challenges and Intricacies of Marketing in China»

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Категория: Философские науки. Социология
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О книге «Baidu SEO. Challenges and Intricacies of Marketing in China»

SEO practices for Baidu and other Chinese search engines are little known in the Western world. However, in order for a company to promote itself successfully in the Middle Kingdom, it is absolutely necessary to go online in China. Chinese SEO is not only about working on the on-site and off-site aspects of a site, there are also many administrative tasks to take into account: the creation of a site in China can pose governmental problems (obtaining a Chinese mobile line, applying for an ICP license, proving that the company is well established in China, etc.) In order for readers to understand how SEO and web-marketing works in China, tips, advice and case studies are presented throughout this book.

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